Our Core Commitments

Our vision at Roivant Social Ventures (RSV) is a future where every person is born with the right and ability to access medicine and medical care, regardless of their geographic location, wealth, or insurance status. We are committed to advancing this goal of health equity in every aspect of our work.

In our programmatic work, we provide incubation expertise to build young companies, build partnerships with like-minded organizations, and develop and publish ideas relating to our vision and our efforts. RSV has core commitments embedded into the framework of our programs and into our contractual agreements with partners to ensure that our social impact is maximized: we believe all actors in the health access system are important to ensuring equity.

RSV demonstrates how this is achievable while at the same time spurring, and driving forward, innovation. Three of our core commitments are:

  1. Global access to medical technology on an equitable basis

  2. Open access to research data

  3. Diversity in clinical trial participation