Amanda Waldhauser

Executive Director

Amanda Waldhauser

Amanda serves as Executive Director at Roivant Social Ventures (RSV). She joined the RSV team with over ten years of experience as a nonprofit leader with deep expertise in integrated communications and marketing. In her previous roles with Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and the Kellogg School of Management, she built a proven track record of successfully managing cross-functional teams, developing and executing integrated communication strategies, and fostering organizational growth. Her strengths include strategy development, fundraising, advanced project management skills, and the ability to successfully manage multiple priorities in complex environments.

Amanda is passionate about leveraging technology, data, and financial analysis to drive impact in the nonprofit sector. In addition to her career in nonprofit management, she has over 20 years of volunteer experience throughout the Chicago metropolitan area. From 2015-2018 she served on the Executive Board for the International Association of Business Communicators’ Chicago chapter, which culminated with her being elected to serve as the youngest President in the organization’s history. In 2021, she founded the Alliance for Ethical Economic Development, a 501(c)3 that bolsters and creates fair trade economic opportunities for artists and craftspeople in 32 countries across the globe.

Amanda is currently a candidate in the Harvard Business Analytics Program, a joint venture between Harvard Business School and Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She also sits on the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council.



Lindsay Androski


Matt Gline